Leaders in commercial


Airlock Digital and Allowlisting

Airlock Digital are an Australian based cyber security company specialising in allowlisting control platforms. They are one of the leading commercial allowlisting vendors and trusted by EMT due to their integrity and ongoing commitment to solving the real world problems with Whitelisting.

What is Allowlisting?

Allowlisting can also be called Application Control and used to be known as whitelisting.  In it’s purest form, every executable file (exe, dll, scripts etc) is hashed, and only those files a company wishes to allow to execute are added to an allowlist.  All other executable files are blocked from running.

In today’s security climate, allowlisting is one of the leading forms of protection against targeted cyber-attacks and invasions. Allowlisting is recognised by government agencies around the world as one of the most effective and proactive mitigation controls. Implementing this security strategy within your business assists with compliance.  This is why we turn to Airlock, who’s product, Airlock Allowlisting and Execution Control, consistently exceeds compliance requirements outlined in the Australian Signals Directorate and the NIST guide to application allowlisting.

Why Airlock?

Despite being a strong security strategy, allowlisting has been found difficult to implement, manage and maintain using traditional allowlisting tools.

Airlock Digital was developed by security professionals who understood the real-world problems with traditional whitelisting. They strove to develop a system that addressed these issues with Airlock Allowlisting and Execution Control.

Challenges with traditional allowlisting products:

The Airlock Digital difference:

Rigid system that is challenging and time consuming to deploy/implement

Often involve third party regulation agent definitions

Large endpoint agents and hefty virus definitions

Lack of centralised visibility of blocked events

Frequent disruptions to both users and business operations

Progressive endpoint protection solutions that enable rapid, scalable allowlisting and execution control. Enjoy an intuitive workflow-based allowlisting, rather than large, hard to manage firewall style rulesets.

Airlock’s One Time Pad for temporary exception handling, meaning workflow can be preserved in incidences where devices need to be temporarily excluded.

Simple deployment, operation and maintenance. Airlock incorporates proved and effective workflows, designed for ease of use in dynamically changing enterprise environments

No third-party regulation. As each client makes decisions regarding what files they trust in-house, each deployment is unique. This prevents cyber-criminals from testing their attacks or modifying their code to avoid detection.

Airlock Allowlisting and Execution Control is lightweight, with small policy sizes and minimal impact on endpoint resources across Windows, Linux and macOS

Airlock Allowlisting and Execution Control

Airlock Allowlisting for MSPs

About emt and our expertise in Airlock Digital solutions.

emt Distribution, a crayon company, has been distributing and implementing Airlock Digital’s Airlock products and solutions in the Asia Pacific for close on a decade.  We have deep understanding of the local threat landscape and expertise in the solutions we offer.  We also understand the importance of solid, easy to use and manage security solutions and the impact they have on your business.  emt offers solutions and services to our partners that help protect their customers and drive real value.  If you are a Crayon Channel partner,  Airlock Digital’s solutions are also available through PRISM. If you would like to learn more about ALD’s application allowlisting solutions or our professional service delivery, or you would like to know how to procure through emt or Crayon Channel, please contact us.