Virtual Cyber Security Escape Room
Cyber security awareness that sticks. Cyber security awareness that’s actually engaging!
The biggest hurdle in increasing security posture is the level of awareness and behaviour of people. Most training rolls through blurbs of boring content, yawn worthy presentations and quite frankly are forgotten just about as quickly as they’re delivered.
Layer 8 Security have designed their training to engage people, make it actually relevant and interesting and memorable. Outside of the escape rooms, Layer 8 Security’s overall method is to understand the culture, level of knowledge and current posture of the people in an organisation, work out the gaps and deliver training to close those gaps with maximum retention.
The Online Cyber Escape rooms are designed to deliver participants a sound understanding of good cyber security principals, why they’re important, what to pay attention to in different scenarios and to retain that knowledge. They get people thinking – all while actually having fun.
It’s important employees are engaged in learning if you want the information to stick.
There are multiple cyber security escape rooms to choose – from the isolation of outer space to the depths of the catacombs.