Reward your hard work – Introducing Secunia Deal Registration
It’s no surprise the amount of work that goes into growing an opportunity with a customer from an idea or quick conversation, to evaluation, proof of concept and finally through to close. After the weeks or months of work that you put into the process the last thing that you want to happen is a competitor to come in and take that away from you. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to protect the hard work that you have put in, and also possibly gain an extra discount margin to make the sale even more lucrative to your business?
Strangely enough there is a way, introducing the “Secunia Deal Registration Program”:
The concept behind the program is simple in its design and yet provides a large help to your business as a partner trying to get the customer over the line. By registering an opportunity the partner can increase the discount margin and protect it from being won by a competitor. The opportunity can only be registered to one partner, which then leaves competing partners with a lower margin and hence helping secure the deal for you. The only requirement that needs to be fulfilled for the opportunity to be accepted is that it is not previously known to Secunia and you are an approved Silver Partner. Should you be successful in registering the deal, you will also receive deal registration approval for the renewal, further protecting the investment you put in!
Deal Registration benefits include:
1. Dedicated technical support and sales support for customer meetings
2. Special pricing support
3. Installation and product configuration support
4. Training
5. MDF funds (Gold partners only)
Head over to the FAQ for more information (see below) and as always feel free to contact myself or the team at emt for any further information.